
Legal notice

Legal information

Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce establishes the obligation of all providers of services of the information society to have means that allow both to the recipients of the service as well as the competent bodies, to access by electronic means, permanently, easily, directly and free of charge, certain information that we provide in this section.

Information of the owner of the website

  • VAT Nº: A01136142
  • Address: Avenida San Blas, nº 19
    01171 Legutiano (Álava), Spain
  • Tel.:+34 945 46 55 25
  • E-mail:
  • Registration data: NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. is registered in the commercial register of Álava, Book 565, Volume 27, Folio 119, Sheet VI-2558, entry 1.

Conditions of use of the website:

By using the website, it is understood that the user has read, understood and fully and unreservedly accepted this legal notice, terms of use, privacy policy and other warnings or instructions contained in this website, committing to make good use of it according to law, morality and public order.

In case the user does not agree, he should refrain from using the website

NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. reserves the right to modify at any time the contents, information, the terms of this website, these conditions of use, privacy policies and other legal notices. In this case, we will notify users via the website.

On the website, there may be links to other sites or web pages of third parties, although we do not assume any responsibility for them since we do not have any control over them. Therefore, the user enters his sole responsibility to the content they offer and their conditions of use.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

The user acknowledges and accepts that all trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs, contents, all rights of industrial and intellectual property, and/or any other elements inserted in this website, are the exclusive property of NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. and/or third parties, who have the exclusive right to use them in trade.

In no case accessing the website implies any waiver, transfer, authorisation or total or partial cession of such rights, unless otherwise expressly stated.

In accordance with the preceding paragraph, users of this website are prohibited from reproducing, copying, transferring, distributing, modifying or any other use, in whole or in part, concerning the information and content of this website without the prior written authorisation of NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A.

The content of this website may not be reproduced in whole or in part, transmitted, or recorded by any information retrieval system, in any form or any medium, unless prior authorisation is granted, in writing, of the aforementioned Entity.

NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. is the owner of the elements that make up the graphic design of its website, menus, HTML code, texts, brands, logos, colour combinations, buttons, images, graphics and any other content of the website, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents or, in any case, has the corresponding authorization for the use of said elements.

Therefore, the user agrees to use this website, its contents and services diligently and correctly, in accordance with the law, morals, good customs, public order, good faith and these general conditions use, with scrupulous respect for intellectual property rights corresponding to NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A.

The user is expressly prohibited from using the website for illicit, prohibited, harmful purposes of third parties or that may, in any way, damage the brand, image or reputation of NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A.

The user will be liable for damages of any kind that NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. may suffer because of the breach of any of the obligations to which it is subject to these conditions that are applicable. NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. reserves the right to take any legal actions in defence of its rights.

Personal Data Protection

The website collects personal data through several channels, either in the existing forms or through the email address enabled to establish contact with us.

Such data shall be processed in accordance with the rules in force always on the protection of personal data, and, in accordance with the privacy policy described in this website, users must read before providing their data. In any case, every form used to collect personal data contains an informative clause regarding the treatment thereof.

Sales communications

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of 11 July —Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce— and Law 56/2007 of 28 December —Measures to Promote the Information Society— that modifies it, it is informed to the users of the website that advertising or commercial communications will not be sent to them by electronic mail or other equivalent means of electronic communication without their prior request or consent, which will be obtained through of the corresponding forms enabled for this purpose.

In any case, users can oppose or express their refusal to receive commercial information by electronic means by sending an email to, facilitating this possibility in every communication sent to them.

Liability of the owner of the website

NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the content, so it assumes no liability for damages that may result in equipment or user systems by a possible computer virus that could have been contracted through user navigation in the website.

Likewise, the owner of the website does not control or guarantee the continued access, nor the correct viewing, downloading or use of the elements and information contained on its website, which may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances that are beyond its control and cannot be held liable in case of interruptions of service, delays or malfunctions when they are due to causes beyond the control of NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, SA, due to force majeure or an intentional or negligent action from the user.

NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. does not assume any responsibility for the information that may exist about us from third party websites or that can be accessed through search engines or from third party links to our website

Use of the Website by Minors

Although the website is not aimed at minors, they are allowed access. However, in case a minor wants to ask us for information, it is possible to do so only if the child is over 14 years old. In the case of minors under 14 years of age, it must be done by the person who has their custody, guardian or legal representative, authorizing on behalf of the child that the company treats the child’s personal data in such a way that those who have a minor under their charge assume the sole responsibility for determining the services and contents of this website that are appropriate for the age of the children under their care.

NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. does not assume any responsibility if minors of the aforementioned age provide us with their personal data in breach of these obligations.

Links from other websites to

The persons or entities that intend to or establish a hyperlink from a web page outside NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. to any of the pages of must be subject to the following conditions:

Total or partial reproduction of any of the Services or Content of is forbidden.

No false, inaccurate or incorrect statements about the pages of or the services or contents will be included.

The establishment of the hyperlink shall not imply the existence of a relationship between NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. and the owner of the webpage or site where it is established, nor acknowledgement or acceptance by NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. of the services and content offered on said site.

NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. assumes no liability for the content or services made available to the public from the webpage or site where the hyperlink is established, nor for the information and statements included therein.


Cookies are small text files that are stored on the hard drive or in the memory of the computer that accesses or visits the pages of certain websites so that the user’s preferences can be known when they reconnect. Cookies stored on the user’s hard drive cannot read the data contained in it, access personal information or read cookies created by other providers.

See information on the cookies used on this website in the “Policy cookies” section.

Information about Social Networks

Through this section, we want to inform users of the policies of data use and treatment that we do in the social networks in which we have a presence.

In relation to Facebook, when a user becomes a fan of our page through the “Like” button, he/she authorizes that his/her personal data be used only in this Facebook platform for the management of our page and of the communications that we maintain in a bidirectional way with our followers through chat, messages or other means of communication that the social network allows now and in the future.

However, this treatment will be subject to the privacy policies of this social network and that the user can consult at the following link: By becoming a fan, we will have access to the list of members or followers who have joined us.

We also want to inform you that when a user becomes a fan, the news that we post will also appear on your wall and that if the user makes comments on our wall, other fans will be able to access to the user’s comment and the profile name and, if applicable, to the user’s profile photo. In any case, it is the user’s responsibility to use the social network.

We will not use the personal data of the users for purposes other than those indicated in previous paragraphs or to send them information through a different environment of the social network.

Regarding the rights of access, rectification or deletion, treatment limitation, opposition and portability of their personal data we can only act in accordance with the possibilities that the effect allows Facebook, having to address them if users wish to exercise any right of this type. However, you can unsubscribe from our page at any time ceasing to be a fan by clicking on the “I do not like it” button so that we would no longer have access to your personal data, although Facebook may keep the comments you have previously made on our wall.

In relation to Twitter, when a user keeps clicking on the “Follow” button, we will have access to the information of the people who follow us, specifically, the user’s name, photograph (in case the user has a photograph in his/her profile), and comments or “Tweets” made, as well as the rest of the information published in the user’s profile, such as users followed and followers, although we will not use this information.

The data of the users that follow us on Twitter are used only to manage and respond to the “Tweets” or messages that we exchange with them. The privacy policy that governs this social network can be viewed at the following link:

Regarding Instagram, the user must know that when he/she follows us or comments our images, we have access to the information of his/her profile that appears in the comment, for example, and without limitation, to his/her username, image (in case that the user has a profile photo), and comments made.

This information will only be used to manage our profile on the social network as well as to manage the comments of our users. However, the data processing is subject to the privacy policy of the social network that the user can consult at the following link:

As for issuuwe have access to the information of the people who follow us by subscribing to our profile, depending on the functionality that allows the platform.

We use the data of these users only to manage and respond to the messages we exchange with them. The privacy policy that governs issuu can be viewed at the following link:

In relation to Linkedin, when a user follows us within our network of contacts, we will have access to the information of his/her profile, although we only use such data to manage and respond to the comments or messages that we exchange with them.

However, this treatment will be subject to the privacy policies of this social network and that the user can consult at the following link:

Finally, concerning YouTube, we will have access to the information of the people who follow us by subscribing to our profile, specifically, the username, photograph (in case the user has profile photo), and comments made to our videos.

We use the data of these users only to manage and respond to the messages we exchange with them. The privacy policy that governs YouTube can be viewed at the following link:

In any case, it is the user’s responsibility to use the social network, so NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. does not assume any responsibility in this regard.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The activity developed through the website is subject to the applicable Spanish legislation in force.

For any controversy or conflict that may arise between NAIPES HERACLIO FOURNIER, S.A. and the users of the website, the parties expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Spain, specifically those of the city of Vitoria (Álava), expressly waiving their jurisdiction if they had it.

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