SOCIAL WORK FOURNIER collaborates in the development of the less fortunate rural zones of the north of Peru
SOCIAL WORK FOURNIER started as the consequence of a strategic reflection within the framework of the Corporative Social Responsibility. In the process of carrying out this work we have identified the project “ A card, a future” as a tool which we are going to enhance to help the socio-economic development of the less fortunate areas in Peru.
In the rural zones in the districts of Morropón and Salitral in the north of Peru, a lot of children live isolated during the rain season. They do not have running water in their homes and they suffer from under nourishment. The adults work in the fields, but they can not optimise the production because they do not have the means and the knowledge of the necessary farming techniques. The students are having difficulties, and their performance is affected by the lack of furniture, computers and studying aids.
This problem is even greater in the more remote schools. Because of this fact, rural libraries represent a big help for the Peruvian scholar education. Human means are needed to reach the objective of enhancing the education of school students, forming and preparing them for their future lives. Obra Social Fournier gives its employees the opportunity to collaborate in the project “A card, a future” through the International cooperation programme.
“ The lack of education is poverty”. The international aid workers of Obra Social Fournier, in collaboration with the local NGO IMANAY, educate the youth in values and prepares them for the productive work in their communities to enable them to generate wealth and employment in their areas to stop immigration, using the local resources.
Obra Social Fournier collaborates with funding to implant four libraries in Morropón and another four in Salitral, in the region of Piura, a 1000 kilometres north of Lima. These libraries will be provided with computers, furniture, books and bookshelves.
Through the libraries,“ Un naipe, un futuro”, “a card, a future” will benefit directly 8.067 students, and indirectly 28.207 people in the less favoured provinces which dedicated to farming activities.